Interclub Information

All Interclub competitions are administered through iSquash.

All captains are required to familiarise themselves with the Interclub Bylaws (below).  Players are also encouraged to read the by-laws to ensure a smooth running of the competition and help avoid unnecessary breaches and potential penalties.

2025 Interclub Dates List
2024 Interclub By-Laws

MySquash - Interclub Guide for Players
Interclub Captains support information

Interclub By-Laws Made Easy


Team playing order - Rule 5(g)
With regard to team playing order, players must play in points order as per the team list within iSquash on the day of the fixture.   Both team captains must declare their teams and agree on the order prior to the commencement of the first match.

Late Registrations - Rule 5 (h)
A late registered player’s grading list points must not exceed the average points of the top 5 players in the top ranked team of the division. The points limit will be recorded on the team lists page of the Squash Auckland website. 

Masters Interclub - Rule 5 (m)
Masters Interclub - all players must be 40 or turning 40 during the current calendar year.

Ball - Rule 6 (d)
Where a B2 graded (or higher) player and a C1 (or lower) graded player meet in competition play (including where a man plays a woman), the player with the highest grading points shall have the choice of which ball is used. 

Scoring - Rule 6 (e & f)
Scoring - Scoring - B1 grade players play PAR to 11 (win by 2).  B2 grade and below play PAR to 15 (win by 2). Where a B1 player plays a lower graded player PAR to 11 (win by 2) is to be played.  This rule applies to both Senior & Masters Interclub.

Playing Order - Rule 6 (i)
The playing order on any given night is by agreement however if no agreement can be met then the playing order shall be 2,4,1,3 for Men’s fixtures and 2,1,3 for Women’s fixtures.  The marking/refereeing order shall then be 1,3,2,4 for Men’s fixtures and 3,2,1 for Women’s fixtures. 

Refereeing - Rule 6 (j)
Each interclub match must have a scorer and referee (one from each team) adjudicating.  Proficiency is expected by team members of all grades and Squash Auckland recommends that clubs ensure all of their interclub players have completed and passed the Squash NZ online Club Referees Exam

Defaults - Rule 6 (k)
Eevery effort must be made to complete a scheduled fixture.  Allowances are made for the rescheduling of fixtures as per Rule 6(l)(i), and any rescheduled fixtures must be approved by the Interclub Committee and completed PRIOR to the last scheduled round of the competition.    

If a fixture cannot be rescheduled, it is the Team Captain’s responsibility that a team which may only be able to field two or three eligible players is still expected to complete the fixture on the scheduled night or face the default penalty as per rule 6 (k)(i).  This includes all Senior Winter playoff matches.

If a replacement cannot be found it is possible in order to give the opposing player a game to play as a guest player someone who is not legally able to play.  Interclub pennant points gained by the guest player will not count towards the team score on the night, but individual grading list points will apply for that contest.  The captain of the opposing team must be informed of this guest player on arrival and before play commences.  Both teams must agree on the order/placement of the guest player, if no agreement is reached then the guest player must play in the 4th position. A guest player MUST be on the grading list to play.

Where members of a team collectively default (i.e. no team members attend a contest), regardless of the notice given to their opposition, the following penalties will apply;

  1. An automatic $50 fine will become payable by the club of the defaulting team within seven days of written notification to the club by the Committee.  A copy of this invoice will also be sent to team captains to ensure they are aware of the fine. An appeal may be lodged against the fine imposed by the committee, but this must reach Squash Auckland within seven days of the date of the notifying letter.  The fine will be collected by Squash Auckland and paid out to the club of the team who was defaulted against.

Results & Points - Rule 7 (a)
Teams will receive one competition point for each game won in a contest (i.e. if a team wins all 4 contests 3/0 then the match result is 12/0), and for Senior Interclub the overall winning team on the night will also earn two bonus points. The winning team will be first determined by the number of matches won, followed by the number of games won, followed by the number of points won.  If a winner can still not be determined, each team will earn one bonus point each.  There are no bonus points in the Masters competition

Protests - Rule 8 (a)
In the event of a dispute arising over the playing of any contests a ‘protest’ must be submitted by email to from the team protesting within 7 (seven) days of the result being loaded online and submitted.  


Host clubs must appoint a competent Controller prior to each night's play, who will be responsible for the following:

  1. Ensure that team captains exchange and disclose team playing orders prior to the commencement of the fixture, and enter results online in iSquash
  2. In the event of a default, notifying Squash Auckland as soon as practicable.
  3. Ensure a marking board with scoresheets and a pen, and a new match ball, are available for teams


As a Team Member
Interclub is a social, team-based competition.  All team members are expected to socialise with fellow team members and opposition, mark and referee, stay for supper after each fixture and contribute to the supper for home matches.   All players must treat each other equally irrespective of age, gender, or grade, and must adhere to the Squash Auckland Code of Conduct at all times.

Junior Players
Junior players competing in Senior Interclub accept they are playing in an adult competition, and are expected to behave as a regular team member in all ways as outlined above. 

As the Host Team
The home team is required to provide supper for both teams at the end of the night.  This does not need to be a full meal, but be considerate of your opposition and ensure a balance is struck so they do not leave hungry.  The best approach is to communicate plans with your opposition prior to the fixture.

Adhering to the Code of Conduct
All players competing in the Auckland Interclub competition agree to adhere to the Squash Auckland Code of Conduct, which can be found at

Arriving on Time
All players are expected to arrive at their match venue at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time, with the first matches to begin play at the scheduled start time.  If for some reason a player is unable to arrive by the scheduled start time, communicate this with the opposition captain prior to the start of the fixture so any potential issues can be managed early.

Proficiency in Refereeing
All players are expected to be proficient in refereeing and marking matches within their own division.  Players are strongly encouraged to attempt and pass the Online Club Referee Exam before participating in any organised competition -


Interclub Online Administration
All Senior and Masters Interclub competitions during the 2022 season will be administered through iSquash

Entering Teams
Only Club Managers are authorised to enter teams online. Please ensure you contact your Club Manager/person in charge of entering Interclub Teams if you are interested in playing Interclub.