Paul Coll - World Number 1

Paul Coll was confirmed as the new men’s squash No 1 in the March PSA world rankings. 
Coll moved from No 2 to the top ranking overtaking Ali Farag and ending the domination of Egyptian players at No 1 in the world.It is the first time a New Zealand male has reached the pinnacle ranking in the sport. Previously Dame Susan Devoy, Leilani Rorani and Carol Owens were ranked women’s No 1. “I can’t really put in to words the feeling I have becoming world number one. It’s something that I’ve dreamed of this my whole career but it’s never really been with grabs until the last 10 months. It’s pretty surreal to be No 1,” he said “I’m super proud and I want to thank everyone who supported me on my journey from when I was a junior until now, massive thanks to everyone I couldn’t have done it without a lot of people. It’s been a long journey and I’m super excited and thanks everyone for the support.”



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